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Palliative Care Form

At the suggestion of my pulmonologist I met with a palliative care MD. I thought it was going to be more of how to deal with COPD. What it was is to complete an POLST form-Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment.

Has anyone done this.

  1. Hi ziel75berk, and thanks for your post. While I am hopeful others in the community will see your inquiry and respond with their own personal experiences, I do have a comment to make as well.
    This is a fairly common form that we frequently use for patients in the hospital setting. In the hospital setting, as part of the patient's medical record, it is called a MOLST form - Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment. The forms are similar with subtle differences.
    How did you feel about completing this form? Was it helpful for you? Since you had thought you were going to discuss 'dealing with COPD', did you have an opportunity to discuss that with your physician?
    Please do let us hear your own thoughts on this important matter.
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

  2. Thank you, Leon. Completing this form initially made me feel at first that I was losing part of my life. After sleeping on it I realized it was really taking control of things. I could make decisions about me now and to not rely on someone else.
    Hope this helps.

    1. Hi Elizabeth - I think you have the perfect attitude about this! In fact, you are taking control of your life and making your own decisions. I can tell you that having worked in healthcare for the last 20+ years, I've heard many regrets from patients and family that they didn't make all these decisions when they had time to mull it over.
      Thank you for sharing your feelings, I hope it helps someone else think about this important subject.
      Take care,
      Lyn (COPD site moderator)

    2. Hi again, Elizabeth, and thanks for your reply. Yes, it helps a lot for me to know that you understand what this form is all about and how to use it to your advantage. As my colleague, , has said - I too, have seen these forms work quite well when patients and their families are planning the road ahead. It's not always easy or pleasant, but it does help to clarify what the plan will be going forward.
      If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
      Warm regards,
      Leon (site moderator

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