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Oxygen providers, and contracts.

I have an oxygen machine through an oxygen provider that is 7 years old. It's had minor servicing. I use it only at night. I don't think they've been able to bill Medicare for the last couple years.

They recently sent me a letter saying the machine was old, and I needed to inform them if I was going to remain as their customer, or go to another oxygen provider. If I'd found a different provider they would just pick up the old equipment.

I called and found out that if I stayed with them, it would mean I'd signed a contract for five years or more. Even if I moved to another location, I'd still be under contract to use them. I was told they also own oxygen supply companies that are under different names.

Anybody have experience with older equipment. I don't see many oxygen providers out there, and maybe Medicare saves money using one provider. Just wonder.

  1. It would be better if they just came out, and said I need to sign a 5-year contract that I can't break even with lousy service. I bought a machine for $600.00. The same one I rented from the oxygen company was charging me $45.00 a month to rent over five years. Great profit. An example of how the government runs healthcare. Sloppy.

    1. Good question ! Lincare is one company that is nationwide. If you moved anywhere they would be there also. They are also good at if you have to travel. They will send what oxygen you need to stay st a hotel or someone else house if needed. The 5 year contract is terrible. If you have the money you might be better off buying in your own but they are expensive. Keep us updated. Best, Jackie (Moderator)

      1. I did request oxygen be delivered to a house we rented in Florida. It was not waiting. The office that was there told me to drive an hour away to pick it up, but nobody met us. It was locked up. Another gripe was that they said they couldn't supply me with the canulas I requested because of COVID. I did buy the exact same machine for a summer home. It was $500.00. It's running fine. I'd be paying probably five time that much in what Medicare asks me for co-pays over the years. I really need to find out exactly what this new contract involves. I just use it at night for now, but I can't imagine how hard things may get when I need more. For all the money the government pays for oxygen providers, you'd think they'd demand some accountability.

      2. Oh, that’s terrible ! I’m so sorry to hear that. They should of had that a ready for you. I’m happy to know that you bought one of your own. I would ask for a copy of the contract. I hope you can get this figured out. I agree about all the money and the providers. Keep us updated. Best, Jackie (Moderator)

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