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Overthinking everything

Shower time is a real issue. For 6 years... I dread everytime I have to. I have a chair I do use, but it’s just a crutch. Going out is also something I dread. I’ve tried. I really have. I walk about a mile everyday, am on all the prescribed meds.. oxygen , etc. I think the thing I miss the most is walking in the woods, and hunting. Thanks for reading.

  1. I agree. I have a hard time just to grin and do it. The shower takes all the energy I have and more and is exhausting. The reward is, of course, is feeling so good during and after it, but it is a grueling job from start to finish. I just have to make myself do it. I'm always happy when it's done, but next time I am still just as apprehensive about the effort it will require. Aargh! Walking? I haven't left the house in over a year. Can't go anywhere - it's like a mine field out there with covid and all the other hazards and me all super vulnerable to all of it. But I am almost completely immunized now and it is starting to lessen out there now, so I hope to go out soon. My car is full of spider webs.

    1. Hi Randy, and thanks for your post. We hear you, and you are not alone! Many in our community have expressed similar sentiments when it comes to this condition (COPD), and the challenges of taking a shower.
      We do have a number of articles published, right here on, which focus on this very topic. I thought you might be interested in reading about it. For starters, here is a link to one of them:
      As for getting out and about, it sounds good that you are able to get out and walk a mile each day. Staying active can go a long way towards helping to manage this condition.
      Perhaps you could strive to increase your activity (walking), to the point that you would at least be able to walk again in the woods. Is that something you feel would be feasible for you?
      Wishing you well,
      Leon (site moderator

      1. It's my pleasure, Randy, on behalf of
        Glad to hear you will strive to get back to walking in the woods.
        That will be extremely gratifying for you, I'm certain!
        Have a great weekend!
        Leon (site moderator

    2. Kloker
      I’m vaccinated (2 shots) also. I’m still scared to go anywhere. Even with an intimate crowd. Walking is done indoors mostly. About a mile.....sometimes less if I just can’t go anymore.
      Best wishes


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