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Stage 4 Copd.

I have Copd. I'm in and out of the hospital. I also was just diagnose with having diabetic.and I have to take the prednisone to strengthen my lungs, I have been very exausted, these last 5 years I've only gotten worse. But I was smoking, bad cigarette habit. I'm on the I am hypothyroid. 6 years ago I had an operation, ovarian cancer., no radiation with the ovarian cancer.with in the 6 years, my good, got worse. I became very sedentary. I'm in the Hospital now, 2nd. Time this 2nd week. Now I'm going to go to rehabilitation to strengthen me.please pray for me. I want to live, I do have a lot of support daughter is in control of helping me, to get me into better place to make it easier on me. It's hard having Copd. Other health issues. We all have. I'm glad to be a part of this enjoying learning from all of you. Please keep in touch.thank❤️❤️❤️Salt56 photo

  1. Hi @Salt56, my heart goes out to you. I really hope you can feel better. I am glad you have your daughter to support you. We are here for you too. Will be thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Jill,, team member

    1. Okay, you are now in my prayers! I 've not had a great year myself, but I am up and walking again, and fighting to get better. The combo of meds I have to take make me semi-"medically diabetic," and I have gallstones and a hiatal hernia, and GERD, which they are working on a plan for. So I'm a little nervous, but I have support from friends and neighbors that help. There are great people here and much to learn, so hang out with us!

      1. I'm praying for you. You do sound like you have a good plan. I'm glad you are up and walking around. you seem like you know your triggers now, what to watch out for. I'm so glad you have a lot of support.and thank you.

    2. I'm glad to be a part of the team.the people are so nice here.and very insightfull .I feel safe here.

      1. @CopdGirl.... I love kindness so I scrolled up for another look! You are right CopdGirl, a calming amount of kindness in that face! Stay strong in yourself Salt56!!

    3. Jill, Brodie, thank you so much, I'll be going to rehabilitation tomorrow. For 2 weeks, I'm starting to finally feel stronger, and now I'm finally getting my confidence, that I do still can try hard and have a better quality of life.

      1. Hi @Salt56, I am so glad you are starting to feel stronger and that is leading you to feel more confident. This is wonderful news! Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Jill,, team member

      2. that's right on. Rehab a game changer

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