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Out w Bang In w Bang for 2023 & 2024 Update

Well folks having Stage 4 COPD and being the home choose to host Christmas for the family I knew it was going to be rough or so I thought. I figure I would do it to the best I could and Bang the Year out! It did. Made Cookie dough and froze it. Decorating kept simple to a nice tree and very little pieces with in the house only. Meals, had a plan, hubby did the shopping and that was that. Christmas company arrived on Saturday, daughters family of 4, love those babies that are 4 and 5 yrs. Turkey dinner for Saturday night and left overs for Sunday. Adults were in to football and resting, so grandma too those babies and cookie dough and well we had loads of fun baking and decorating. Truly to much decorating but those kids were so happy and it made me happy so sugar and sprinkles galore! Monday morning Santa arrived without a glitch and there was paper and bows everywhere, screeched were the best of all. Later the eldest daughter and hubby arrived, we had a nice prime rib dinner with fixings, had great help from hubby, daughter and son-in-law that was already here. Families left Tuesday AM - Banged Christmas, BUT. Yes, there is always a but in our lives. As the younger ones left they were not feeling quite themselves, well come to find out once they got home they had fevers and feeling pretty ugly. By Wednesday all households involved had Influenza A. 2 to the ER and released that was back in NC and then myself to the ER for the night. All are recovering slow but sure. Should let you know or just tell you that a 12 lead EKG was ran on me besides having shortness of breath and they found were I had had a heart attack somewhere between 6/23 and 12/28 -off to the Cardiologist I will be going of course. That ended the Year with the Bang, not the one I was hoping for, but hey I am still alive, enjoyed my family and recovering, perfect ending!

2024 - still recovering from the flu of course, brought a quite day for New Years Eve and Day, left overs to eat. 2 different Neighbors were so kind to have fireworks going, so while the hubby watched more football, I dressed warm and sat out on my front porch and watched the lights in the sky with a front seat view! JANUARY 2, this AM. Had an appt with my oncologist, one of them that is. Dressed well in PPE for myself and of course to protect others that were going to be in office, kept my distance. As of 10: 50 am I was officially told I was in FULL REMISSION with the lung cancer! - BANGED that New Year IN just as I was hoping! How long with this last, no one knows but I will take every minute of every day I get. Still a little question on 2 lymph nodes that show a little something something, but the Doctor truly figures they were showing off because of the flu! Will do another PETSCAN in 2 months to verify.

So excited for 2023 to be gone and can't wait to see what great stuff 2024 has in plan.

May you all breath and rest well, wishing only the best New Years Bang for all of you!!!!!!

Thank you all for being there for me, it sure has helped . Doris

  1. Goodness, sounds like you certainly did end 2023 with a bang! So glad you got to enjoy Christmas with the family. So happy to hear the blessed news about your remission, way to go!!! Love reading your posts, especially the positive ones. Wish you a happy, healthy, as good as it can be, lol, and a blessed New Year!!! Warmest, Susan

    1. Oh I can let you know right now how well dealing with the humidity or lack of humidity (pending on the time of year) has helped a lot. It truly makes a difference on my breathing with more ease, the thinnest / thickness of the mucus and just in general feeling. The current adjustments are getting closer with the changes made by replacing the windows. Now its back to saving some more money for new flooring, yes we have some carpet in our home and we know that can be a big no no too. We can only do what we can do, right? Vacuuming as often as we can helps that, thank goodness it's not through the whole house. So much to continue learning and passing on to one another and family. Glad my kids (adults) listen LOL... May you have a great night!

    2. Hi again, Doris - thanks for your comment. I hear you and understand completely. I, too, understand just how humidity (too much, too little, just right [like "Goldilocks"], can be for those with asthma. Being able to exert better control over one's home environment can make managing this disease much easier. It's nice to have (adult) kids who actually listen to their parents. I'm with you on that front, too!!
      I do hope your day (Monday) went well!
      Leon L (author/moderator)

  2. I am so happy for you Doris! A wonderful holiday followed by excellent news! It doesn't get much better than that. I pray that it stays that way! Keep up the good health!! Happy New Year! Take care and God Bless!

    1. Hi (Doris) - Wow, what an update!!! I was able to absorb everything - was rooting for you all the way through - even with the trip to the emergency department (ED) for you. But then - double wow! COMPLETE REMISSION for the lung cancer. That sort of news, especially TODAY on the first business day of 2024, is the BEST NEWS yet!!!
      I can't say quite enough about it so, I plan to revel in this news for now!
      Leon L (author/moderator)

      1. Hi dltld, GREAT NEWS on your remission, I am so glad you had a lovely time with your family also it is good to read about the fun you had with your little ones also, baking and decorating cookies. Great to hear from you Doris, I also like to read your post, threads etc.Take Care and Big Hugs my dear friend.XXXX

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