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Opiates for relief

Any one taken opiates for shortness of breath

  1. That's a great question. I hope others in the community that have had personal experience with the use of them will chime in. However, I'll give you my perspective from having seen many people with COPD on opioids.

    There have been many studies that show opioids used in appropriate doses do not cause respiratory depression but can have a marked effect on shortness of breath and the resulting anxiety. Most patients showed a significant improvement in their shortness of breath.

    Your doctor will know the best dosage for you - as it's very individualized. Often the provider will start low and work up in dosing if need be. Obviously the minimal dose to give you relief is the goal.

    I hope that helped a little. Please let us know if you have any other questions we can help with.

    Lyn (COPD site moderator)

    1. I read a story about that on Medpage. I mentioned it to my doctor about using it in the future as my breathing gets more difficult. He said that it is important to him for me to let him know what my needs are. I took that as meaning he would be agreeable to prescribing one if need be. I'm glad I mentioned it to him.

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