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Nose Dryness and crustiness from Oxygen Cannulas

FYI:To all my COPD CoHorts, I could not tolerate the netti pot twice a day so I have come up with a solution for this problem that works great for me and is inexpensive.

Accoutrements Needed:
2 small plastic containers with covers
Saline Packet (1 should last 5-7 days if used daily)
Distilled Water ( 3-4 Teas per daily use)
Cotton Ball or Cotton Round (That you will be cutting to just fit inside the tip of your nostril when wet)

In one container pour it 1/2 full of Distilled Water, Cover to keep clean for future daily use.

In 2nd container, gently shake packet of saline solution, snip off top so that you can fold packet for future use, pour a little bit into container, add the 3-4 teas of distilled water and gently shake or mix.

Dip your cotton ball or round that you have already cut to size into solution and squeeze gently so its not dripping and place into the tip of your nostril. You CAN still USE YOUR CANNULA while you are moisturizing the tip of your nose. Repeat the dipping of the cotton when moisture seems depleted. Continue this process as long as you wish as you go about your business throughout the day. Make sure to cover solution to keep it clean till discarded that day.

I finish nostril with some Netti gel. Hope it works for all who might try.

  1. , I am glad to hear you have found something that is so innovative and seems to be working well for you! I'm sure others in the community will appreciate you sharing. I did just want to chime in with a reminder that it is important for everyone to check with their own doctor before trying anything new because what might work for one person might not work for another. Again, thanks for sharing! All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Hi ! What a great tip, I'll have to keep that in mind. I don't do well with the Netti pot either and only use it when I'm desperate. I'll be sure to try this the next time. Best, Jackie (Moderator)

      1. Thank you, ! You too! 😊

      2. When you get a dry sore nose. You can use Neosporin. It doesn't contain petroleum jelly which can be flammable. Next time you find your having this problem give it a try Rosemary strong

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