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Newbee here

I've been fake breathing and hiding my weakness for almost a year when I got caught , lol was put in the hospital after going to a like an other doctor appointment then came
pulmonologist and it turns out on stage 4 epsima and I have 15% of my lung usage just here to learn from you and to make us laugh a little maybe

  1. Hi , and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having joined today, earlier in the morning, We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through your first two posts.
    It can be quite challenging upon first being diagnosed with COPD - emphysema. You have certainly come to the right place, Raylee.
    If there is anything we can assist you with, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. Having a sense of humor can go a long way towards helping to manage this disease.
    You are always welcome here in our online community.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thanks it's nice to hear from you! can't say it's great to be here I have some weirdo questions you might be able to answer. # 1 if one were to go into a coma at home (legally ) could my husband just let me sleep? We live in Iowa any idea?

      1. Hi again, Raylee, -it's good to have you here as a member! I understand about you not really wanting to be here, though!! (there is that sense of humor you promised us!!) Your first 'weirdo' question is not weird at all! However, you will be able to find an answer by speaking with your lawyer and/or your physician. What your husband can and can't do (in the event you were to become unconscious at home), may have more to do with your advanced directives, end of life care, and health care proxies. These are legal documents that will help to determine what should be done for you in the event you become unresponsive.
        What do you think?
        Leon (site moderator

    2. Oops I hope I didn't just break a rule I read them after writing this😶

      1. Hi again, Raylee - no worries here. I have answered your expressed concerns (above).
        Have a great night!
        Leon (site moderator

      2. You're fine, Raylee! If you ever break a rule, one of our administrators (we are friendly!) will send you a private message to let you know. We only take action for serious or repeated violations, so you can rest easy. If you have any questions, you can always send a note to and we can help. -Melissa, team

    3. well un-WELCOME to the group! Sad that you needed to join us, but happy you have! Please explain how you got away with fake breathing for so long? I could use to pointers, especially if will help me live a little longer 😀 You know crop dustiers are like spouses (partners) can't live with them and can't live with out them. Hmm as for the hubby possibly finding you unconscious one day, hopefully we will take advantage of the situation and have poker night with the guys, that sounds like something my hubby might try, then he would call someone later, that's only if he is losing big time at the table LOL Seriously though, gave some great advise, I would think doing sooner then later would be better, but then again I waited for a while also and learned through my parents mistakes, boy have I been beating this in to my adult children's heads lately for they have little ones to worry about. Oh and the hubby might want to contact the crop duster to transport you to the nearest hospital for him for an ambulance or airlift ride are pretty expensive now days. LOL Glad that you have been searching through the site, tons of information and suggestions here to help each and everyone of us along our paths. Just so you know I was diagnosed 2 years ago stage 4 29% usage left and still hanging out, ain't given up that quick, swear I was going to grow old with my husband and heck I am only 60, he's 77,, I have many more years before I catch up to him.... Off I go hope to be hearing from you and how things are going as you start getting treatments and such for they should help give you some relief of the nagging back aches and just plain being tired ALL THE TIME.. fingers, eyes and legs crossed for you. Doris

      1. wow I have a twin I didn't know about love your sense of humor I am also 60 and married to a 75 year old turns out it didn't need the advice after all. About the unconscious part turns out after mentioning it to my husband if he can't wake me up the ambulance is coming lol no choices he's off the rest of the day. So so glad to have this place and you guys as my husband also mentioned that he would rather never talk about this again. As for Hiding it well, turning your back to people while you're trying to breathe for some reason worked really well at least for me it did thanks again for being there talk at you later rlwr

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