Sure, happy to talk about it. The first symptom that I always get when I start to take too much is what I call the "shark fin." If I'm lying on my back and I try to use my ab muscles to get up, in the middle of my torso it is like a shark fin starts to stick up - it's the first sign of the fluid retention that is so prevalent with prednisone. Then after that you can start to see the classic "chipmunk face" and belly bloating start to develop. As I continued on the path, it started leeching the calcium out of my bones and especially teeth - by the end I had 4 and a half teeth left and had to have them all pulled and eventually full implants up and down. It costs as much as a house and I'm still paying it off, mind you! Finally, they think my ankle and shoulder replacement, as well as my spinal compression fractures which lost me almost 3 inches of height and bent my spine, was a result of the bone density weakening due to steroids. Throw in the occasional overgrowth of candid flora due to prednisone increasing the sugar in your body and you have the basic symptoms of too much prednisone, at least for me. It is different for every person, of course, and you can always check with your physician if you experience any of these, but for me and my body, that's what it presents as. Let me know if you have any other questions! Keep on keepin' on, DPM