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There must be many folks here just like me that read and learn as much as possible but never say anything. May I say a big thank you to all the people who give their time to answer all our questions.

I came into COPD in a haze. I had just come back in the house after feeding the birds, sat down in my chair and mentioned how tired I was. Next thing I knew I was watching some firemen carry my limp body out to and ambulance. After about three days in a coma that was drug induced by the ER I woke in ICU with my son holding my hand. I still thought I had passed away until he convinced me they had worked me over in the ambulance and I arrived alive. It was pneumonia that put me down and I didn't have any warning.

All along I had been treated for asthma but after going to the lung docs I was diagnosed with stage three COPD. I could only walk for almost two minutes during his six minute test. I had received another heart stent (4) during all this so I am about 3/4 of the way in my Cardiac Rebab. I will get Respiratory Rehab soon after completion.

My main reason for coming here to this site was denial. I still have a problem with stage 3??? It feels as though I didn't have a fair chance to beat this. So sudden I guess. I went from one day mowing the yard and working on the cars to I don't even want to go out there.

Anyway, I have come to accept it cause I think I earned it. I am 77 years old with fifty-one years of smoking and taking to Navy ships threw overhaul and breathing in plenty without a mask means I earned my way here. So, no more denial for me.

I wonder how you came to have COPD??

  1. , Welcome and thank you for sharing your story. What an experience you have had.

    In response to your question, I got pneumonia in 2019, wound up in the hospital and was also in an induced coma for a couple days. I was in ICU for 2 weeks, went home on oxygen 24/7 with stage 3 COPD as well. Today I am stage 4.

    I smoked for 40 years, quit 2 years before getting sick but obviously it was too late.
    Stay well and keep your spirits up, Becky (moderator)

    1. Can I ask if you are active at all with your stage 4??

  2. I walk between 2-3 miles a day. Last year I actually walked 1300 miles. I have to set my o2 at 5 liters to walk. When I’m sitting I keep my o2 at 2.5 liters. I am determined to live my best possible life in spite of this disease. Becky(moderator)

    1. That is wonderful news to me. I believe you are my hero!

  3. Just wanted to say hello ... I do not have COPD myself but I am part of the moderator team. I'm glad you decided to share your story, and thanks for your service, too. When we talk about COPD staging, it's important to keep in mind that it's not an indicator of life expectancy or even physical ability in many cases ... rather, it's simply how well your lungs are doing compared to someone without COPD.

    So, step one is to keep working on your rehab. Pulmonary rehab is a huge asset in COPD care and I'm so glad you're lined up to go. Practice everything you learn, do your exercises, and don't forget the "homework!" Share your hopes and goals with the rehab team. They will help you come up with ways to be active and maximize your health. And do your best to eat a balanced diet and get good sleep -- both things can also make a big difference.

    Just take it one day at a time. We are all unique, so none of us can say what is possible for you, BUT I can tell you that we have plenty of folks here who have been living with COPD for many years. We are here for you, so ask as many questions as you want, or feel free to vent if you need someone to listen.

    Hope some of that helps, too. Wishing you a full recovery on the cardiac side and great results from pulmonary rehab! Keep us posted. -Melissa, copd team

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