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New guy

Hi all new to all this copd hopping to get good advice on here

  1. Welcome! I'm so happy you found us! You will definitely find a lot of information on the site and we'll gladly provide you with answers to whatever questions you may have. Let us know if you have anything specific you're wondering about right now. Otherwise, I encourage you to look around on the site and read some of the articles that catch your eye. The stories and comments from our community are also informative; it gives some insight into how others handle their COPD.
    Once again, welcome to the community. We'll look forward to hearing from you.
    Lyn (site moderator)

    1. thank you

  2. Hi Alan, and welcome! I see my colleague, , has already extended a warm welcome - I also wanted to add my welcome, too.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator)

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