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Mucus plugs

I usually don’t get sick with colds and never had flu my thing is I have a lot of mucus and sometimes a lot of plugs and that is very scary for me a few weeks ago I was coughing so hard to try and cough that plug up my throat started bleeding and voice cuts in and out a lot I do nebulizers and mucinex it helped for a while but now it seems like it’s getting harder and harder to cough up mine, so my question is am I getting close to end and when do I know to go to emergency room sincerely your city slicker

  1. Hi . It must be scary to cough up so much mucus and even more so to experience bleeding, but know that neither is abnormal. Though they might be signs of worsening COPD, sometimes they are temporary reactions to other health conditions. Did you talk with your doctor about the bleeding incident? Here is an article about coughing up blood and when that should trigger a trip to the ER: Is it possible you have an infection that you are unaware of? Though most people develop a fever and other symptoms when they have a virus or a bacteria infections, others exhibit none of that. It might be worthwhile to ask your doctor for some blood tests to confirm that there is no underlying infection. This article discusses coughing, mucus and factors that can lead to excess mucus: I hope this helps and that you get some relief. Please let us know how you are doing. I will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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