Well, I know I've have posted alot, But I feel like I'm finally moving forward. I'm 28 and last year I was diagnosed with "likely asthma". Well in the last 6 months I have had bronchitis and pneumonia 5 times. Last two times I have had lowered oxygen saturation (down to 95) most times it's 99-100. I am in the midst of bronchitis again, after 2 days of a head cold, it move immediately down to the chest. I had to go to a walk-in as my doctor is full this week (I am in Ontario Canada) and apparently I really puzzled the doctor. He referred me to a pulmonologist finally. And he prescribed me Levequin and he wants me to take prednisone for 2 months, he thinks it's something more chronic now. Has this ever happened before? Sorry for the long post