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I have been on the following medication daily for 2 years now Prednisone 10mg, azithromizon and hfa rescue inhaler which I need quite often. I am also on 3l oxygen 24/7.using all these has kept me out of the hospital this whole time. I moved out of state now my new doctor has cut my Prednisone down to 4mg and removed these other meds.he also wants to lower my oxygen down to has been 3weeks now. I am about 2weeks away from being admitted to the hospital. I cannot walk 50 feet without being winded. Does this seem right? Should I be finding another doctor.this is a primary care physician.

  1. CommunityMember4334,
    If it was me, I would definitely look for another doctor. Preferably a pulmonologist. I don't understand why any doctor would change a regiment of prescribed medications that are working. My doctor is an internist, a pulmonologist, and a nephrologist. Is your PCP a GP of a specialist? For lung conditions and problems, you need a pulmonologist. Keep the forum informed on how things work out please. Take Care and God Bless!

    1. I agree with , I could see why they might want to cut you back or try to cut you back on the Prednisone slowly, but why take other meds away? Yip time to check in to getting a pulmonologist. Would suggest at least trying to get back in the the current doctor to see what is / has happened and hoping he would at least make some changes, but for sure get the Lung Specialist. Wishing you much luck.

      1. Hi there. I'm so sorry that this new treatment regimen isn't helping you. I hear how concerned you are and share those feelings, along with frustration. As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Have you been able to talk with your GP since this initial post? How are you doing this week? I would urge you to let the office know you are feeling poorly so that they can get you back to a place of stability quickly. And I would also encourage you to ask about a referral to a pulmonologist. You deserve to work with someone who has the proper expertise to manage your care. If one isn't located near you, it might be possible to do a consult via telehealth. Please keep us posted when you are able -- we care about you and want to see this resolved! -Melissa, copd team

        1. I would see a pulmonary doc. and tell him what happened .

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