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I take 2 Carbocisteine tablets morning and evening.
I take 1 Ultibro- Breezhaler capsul every morning.
These products are to loosen mucus (phlegm) from to the lungs.
The problem is I do not expel any mucus.
Is the medication working?
I mean, is the mucus going down into my stomach?


  1. ,
    That would be a question for your doctor. I get rid of mucus in my lungs by using the acapella and spirometer machines 5 times a day. They help loosen the mucus so I can cough it out. My suggestion is to call your doctor and explain the situation to him/her and ask what else can be done to expel this mucus. Good luck and God Bless.

    1. ,
      When I cough up mucus it’s pretty obvious to me that I’ve done so. As I cough the mucus comes up to the back of my throat. From there I either swallow or spit it out. For mucus to end up in your stomach you’d have to be conscientiously swallowing it.
      Hope that helps!

      1. Hi gustavski (Gus), and thanks for your post. I see our community member, Spinbob , has already provided a practical reply (thanks, Bob!), and I concur with his shared experience.
        If you are taking these medications (Carbocisteine and the Ultibro Breezehaler), and not seeing results, you may want to take your concern up with your prescribing physician. Sometimes medications and their effectiveness can vary from patient to patient. Perhaps your physician will be able to tweak your medication regimen so that you can feel better.
        What do you think?
        I also see that our community member , has also shared his own personal experience here (thanks, Dminor!). I do hope you have an opportunity to read his comment. His experience may help you to understand more about what's happening in your case, too!
        Wishing you well,
        Leon (site moderator

    2. Thanks one and all. I have taken your advice and have made an appointment with my doctor this very afternoon...lucky me.
      Thanks again, Gus

      1. Hi Gus, and thanks for letting us know. I don't think you'll be sorry if you have an opportunity to discuss this with your doctor. I will wish you 'good luck!', and ask that you please check back and let us know how this all turns out for you. All the best, Leon (site moderator

    3. Update.
      The doctor has made me an appointment with my local hospital for a chest X Ray.
      I am of course grateful for any help I can get, but I thought X Ray machines were not used any more.
      Don't ask me why I think that, I believe it was something I read.


      1. Hi again, gustavski (Gus), and thanks for your post. I am glad to hear you went to see the doctor and was provided a prescription for a diagnostic test. (the x-ray) I can't imagine where you might have read that but, nothing could be further from the truth in today's medical field.
        X-rays are an extremely common diagnostic procedure, so I am not surprised the doctor order this test for you. I will wish you 'good luck!' and ask that you please do check back and let us know how this all turns out for you.
        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator

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