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Mask & machine

I wear a mask every night attached to a machine which cleans my Carbon Dioxide, would like to hear anyone else’s problems with this , if any.

  1. Hi . Do you use a BiPap machine? If so, here is an article about COPD and BiPAP machines that might interest you: Can you tell us more about the specific issues you are having? People often have trouble with BiPap or a CPap machines when they first begin using them. Sometimes, the mask doesn't fit well. Othertimes, it's not the right type of mask for their faces. It can take some trial and error and adjustments to get the right fit. If you are having those types of issues, you can make an appointment with the medical supply store where you initially purchased the machine for another fitting. Small changes can make a big difference. Here is another article from one of our advocates who really came to reply on her BiPap for comfort: I hope this helps. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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