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Manuka honey

I have pseudomonas infection had two weeks of IV antibiotics and now thee months of colomycin nebuliser which is really making me more breathless ,just read Raw Manuka honey helps kill this infection has any one tried it .

  1. Skyline66,
    I have used Manuka Honey for many years for various ailments. It is good for stomach ailments (ulcers, heartburn, etc.). But I have also used it for helping with coughs, colds, flu, etc. It really does work and tastes good too! One can also use it on burns, cuts and scrapes, etc. The biggest problem with Manuka Honey is there are so many fakes out there and it is getting very expensive to buy. But if you decide to buy, only buy from legitimate sellers. I would buy from ManukaHoneyUSA. Look at their website and decide what is best for you. I will warn you that the honey is expensive. Take care and God Bless!

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