Janet and Leon,
Thanks for the concern...but I really thought is was more normal than not.. Osteoarthritis flared back up. Muscle spasms again, it is like trying to chase a toddler when your on crutches. COPD is taxing.
Talking online, because my two boys, who are men now, could care less about the mother that stood for something and still does, regardless.. They don't even know I have COPD, haven't seen them in over 2-1/2 years. I miss my grandkids, but I don't miss being an emotional hostage. I figured it might be easier on the grandkids if they don't have to go through this with me. The one with autism couldn't handle it, nor myself seeing him struggle.
I still try to smile and laugh when I can refrain from coughing..Some days are harder than others.
You know what I find strange is, I have been through COPD with my father, and I am still not afraid. Am I crazy?