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Has anyone else had rib lumps?

Recently ribs hurting more than usual. I have found small lumps all over my ribs. They are semi-tender. Slightly movable, more or less feels like lipomas, yet much smaller, perhaps 4 or 5 centimeters. Has anyone else had these? So not into anymore testing right now.

  1. Hi Gadget and we hear you! It can be challenging and tiring to go for serial testing in order to determine diagnoses for our illnesses. The clinician(s) are ordering these tests, as I'm sure you're aware, in order to help diagnose your condition and then provide appropriate treatment and/or therapy.

    Although we cannot provide medical advice over the internet (for your own safety), your concerns certainly warrant a reply. Your presentation of your current symptoms (ribs hurting MORE than usual combined with small lumps all over your ribs), suggest that you should be checking in with your health care provider for an assessment. If these symptoms persist or worsen even, you may want to seek out your physician sooner rather than wait.

    Please check back with us and let us know how you're doing.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator)

    1. Janet and Leon,

      Thanks for the concern...but I really thought is was more normal than not.. Osteoarthritis flared back up. Muscle spasms again, it is like trying to chase a toddler when your on crutches. COPD is taxing.

      Talking online, because my two boys, who are men now, could care less about the mother that stood for something and still does, regardless.. They don't even know I have COPD, haven't seen them in over 2-1/2 years. I miss my grandkids, but I don't miss being an emotional hostage. I figured it might be easier on the grandkids if they don't have to go through this with me. The one with autism couldn't handle it, nor myself seeing him struggle.

      I still try to smile and laugh when I can refrain from coughing..Some days are harder than others.
      You know what I find strange is, I have been through COPD with my father, and I am still not afraid. Am I crazy?

      1. Hi again Gadget. You don't sound crazy to me, you sound like you're adjusting to all the varied challenges in your life that you were candid enough to share here with our online community. Hang in there, Gadget - if there is anything we can assist you with, please let me or any other moderator/team member know.
        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator)

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