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Loosing friends to COPD

How have you coped with the emotional impact of losing friends to COPD? Are there any strategies or support systems that have helped you during these difficult times?

  1. I have been active in the COPD world for the past 10+ years. I didn’t have support so I started COPD Friends. They became my COPD family. They understood me, I understood them. Over time and 25 sites later, there were other administrators added. I was helped by helping others.
    As time passed us by, so many things were going on in my personal life: health. more than just COPD, I was so overwhelmed. Not knowing how to “do t all”, I had to cut back. A couple of administrators took over a few of the sites. I added another admin to the sites that I have. I will chat with others on all sites if needed and they help out as well.
    I felt guilt and I was a traitor, I abandoned all.
    No I wasn’t and no, I didn’t.
    I am able to give Health Union and COPD Friends more personal attention.
    At times I feel overwhelmed, torn between responsibilities and desires. Torn because I care so much. I will search out people that I can draw from, that I can talk to. People that have big hearts and are reaching out to others like you and me!
    When those who have passed away, come to my mind, I may share a message or an image on their Facebook world. Others have said they feel that’s healing. Some watch for those posts, to share their own thoughts or memories.
    If I know family members, I will reach out and share a message or image to those as well.
    By reaching out and helping others, I help myself.
    If I’m struggling, I might just start a new thread. I might just say “I’m lonely”, “Im scared”, “I don’t know who turn to”. Then I might share that thought with my husband or a daughter. Most of all, I share with my 3 constant companions, my dogs! “

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