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Looking for trials

Hi everyone i am looking for trials that people have experienced and had a positive impact with it , i am in Tampa Florida , i would fly to s different state if need be .i already applied for the zepher trial sounds promising but its been 2 weeks and nothing do i guess i will try n contact them which idk i seem to have a problem with that if anyone has a number that you can get a hold of someone worthy besides an operator that just takes messeges that would be great , i been dealing with this to long and idk im pretty close to throwing in the towel , im not going to suffer like this and be angry for the rest of my life , it is not okay .i cannot even take these very low Gummys anymore because im afraid its maybe messing my copd more because i dont know anything im pkaying doctors because i have no doctors so , this is lame im over it and i am deciding if i should just stop all this bs because all these stupid drugs i am taking dont do anything for me , its a waste of time / annoro Allipta garbage / arbuterol garbage , all this stuff is doing is making me cough more and im actually just puking more so instead of this crap helping me it is speeding up theCOPD process , but whatever i really am having a bad day and i am way passed the point of caring anymore , anyway i donr pity , i dont care just i am asking for trials that people have done that works well ty all sorry for the negativity im not doing good and im sick of this ...

  1. Dean 777,
    Wow, you sound way too upset over this. Why do you have no doctor? A pulmonologist would be able to help you get COPD under control. If he/she is not performing or taking care of your COPD problems to your satisfaction, find a better doctor. Getting as upset and disgusted as you are getting is just adding to the problem. You need a better positive attitude. I know it is easier said than done. But changing your attitude more positively will definite help clear your mind and give you a boost to find better medical care to help you. If your meds are causing problems, your doctor should change them to better help you. As I stated earlier in this post, find a new doctor if things are not working and they are not helping. So instead of being depressed and feeling sorry for yourself, so do something about it to help yourself. It starts with you! If you give up, why should anyone else care? I don't mean to sound insensitive, but a wakeup call is in order. Please seek therapy for your mind if necessary and definitely find a better medical team. Take care and God Bless!

    1. the free clinic does not offer a Pulmonologist and i cannot afford health insurance , so that might help with the why, that being said i might of found someyhing todo , i only have excebations after eating so as usual i will doctor myself and blend my food now on , i tried some salad with nothing on it and it seemed to work and also yes im a very strong person but impatiant there are reasons , if i have puke and cough 24/7 why would i want to live like that ?thats absurb , but ill be more patiant and give my research more time , thats all i need is patience , more info , im waiting on an application to be looked at in Jacksonville FL for free medical attention , they will do surgerys anything for free .its just a patiants mans game ill get it done just might breakdown once in awile , thats pretty normal.i dont take things personal ,i have always had a bad temper thats not going away my friend .i appreciate your input ....

  2. , I hear how much you are struggling with your COPD symptoms. It is tough when none of the treatments feel like they are helping. It's okay to feel discouraged and need a place to vent! We are always here to listen. I did want to clarify for you that the zephyr valve is no longer in clinical trials, but is an established procedure covered at some level by many insurance providers! Not every pulmonologist is trained on it, so you need to find someone who can do an evaluation and, if you are a good candidate, the procedure. The zephyr company page has a feature that identifies doctors and evaluation centers in your area that might be helpful: As far as clinical trials, while I do not have insight into what is or is not proving helpful, the American Lung Association website has information about different trials for COPD that you might like to look into:

    It is so tough when you feel your doctors are not listening, communicating, or advocating for you. Feeling like you are in the driver's seat of all your healthcare is draining. Can you look for new providers? It can be an overwhelming task, but finding someone you can work with and who takes your needs seriously is so important. We have a few articles about finding a doctor that might offer you some tips for the process. 1) 2)

    Another option to consider, if you haven't already, is pulmonary rehab. Many in the community speak to what a difference this program made for their symptom management and quality of life! Most areas have a program run through the local clinic/hospital system. The program usually requires a doctor's referral. If there isn't one in your area, a doctor can also advise you on online options or which YouTube tutorials might be helpful for you. We have many articles about pulmonary rehab on the site. I thought these in particular would give you some information about pulmonary rehab that might be of interest. 1) 2)

    Please keep us posted on how you are managing. Know we are here to listen when you need support. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson (team member)

    1. Thats funny yeah i just talked to them AirFlow 3 is no longer but they have a new one that they said that i would be a great fit for problem is it would take about 9 trips to pittsburg round trip , but thats not happening .But yeah ty cause i was just venting you understand .i was pretty mad that the program is out of trial runs , she said by the time the current are finished and the FDA approves it would be like 2028.its just alot of research and im really a bad ready , i lose focus pretty quick , ty for info more stuff for my list of things todo for COPD , 3 hours that day i coughed 3 hours straight, i mean not non stop but pretty darn close .so im going to start Blending my food i think that will really help .i tried sone lettuce and just ate like you eat a cracker with nothing on it and that worked no coughing , so im if i blend all the food i eat might be the key and calm ill let ya know how it goes when i decide to eat , just dont want to right now i am ebmnjoying not coughing , it feels so nice ..anyway heh ty , Dean

      1. , you are always welcome to vent! This community is a space where that is welcome and encouraged! I hear what a difficult time you have with coughing, especially around time that you eat. Eating and chewing can be challenging with COPD. You are not alone! We have a couple of articles about aspirating and choking that might be of interest to you: 1) 2) 3) Let us know how trying your approach to blending food goes for you! I hope it will result in less coughing after eating.

        How are you feeling today? We are glad you are part of the community. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson (team member)

    2. Waiting on a new blender but i seem to be starting over , learning how to eat the right way ,i had 2 ounces of salmon and some lettuce since no blender i chopped everything up into very small pieces like if i was going to feed it To a child , it seemed to work so far i did not cough for like 3 hours straight , which is a record, when i did start coughing a little , i used the abuterol right away and it seemed to have helped, i am going to stick with this regiment , i think i might have something here, but it has only been one day , i will keep you informed on if things stay the same or not , i think it might work .I have also started taking Mucinex once a day , if i can get this cough to just calm down a bit that would be a success for sure ,i will let you know after a week of this if it continues to work , thank you so much for the support , this change of weather for us can be scary , but so far so good , i am just being a scardy cat and being super careful , i have always got sick every year during the change of weather and knock on wood all is well so far .Thank you again ! Dean

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