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Looking for active tobacco litigation (monetary compensation) for our two sisters

I was born (1954) into a family (7 kids+2 adopted out) of smoking parent.
I started at age 11.
Long story short.....our two sisters one 66 passed away last year (6/2023) the other 62 passed away (2/2024). Seven months apart from smoking related COPD.
Shockingly I have COPD also.....Yet I was able to surrender the nicotine over with the guidance of Nicotine Anonymous and my higher power, 19 years ago OR I would have been another.

  1. Hi , firstly, we are sending you our deepest condolences on losing your two sisters. We are truly so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, we do not have any recommendations for litigation, nor can we provide them as our community rules do not allow for any solicitation. I recommend reaching out to an attorney to see if they have any recommendations for you. All the best, Sam S. (COPD team).

    1. thank you so much for the connection. I do sincerely appreciate it….. and I apologize for not reading the rules prior to posting❣️

    2. No apologies necessary! Our team is always here to help! Best, Sam S. (COPD team).

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