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leg fatigue

is leg fatigue part of copd
somedays i can hardly put one foot in front of the other on other days i can walk 6 miles on the flat, its not my chest that limits me its my legs

  1. Hello , welcome ! I am another member such as you always looking to get more information about our shared illness. Sure is a lot to learn. Even though I am not a medical professional, nor can we give out medical advice here, may I suggest that you check with your doctors to make sure this is not some other medical issue giving you problems with your legs. Not only do I suffer from the COPD that is causing some edema right now, but I also have Venus Reflux, this is where the valves in the legs do not work properly, thus causing circulation problems too. Something to think about.

    In the mean time I did find a could sights about COPD and Leg fatigue for some interesting reading.

    Hope you find this helpful in someways.

    best to you,

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