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It's a bitch

If you have COPD you need to rely on doctors, medications, machines, exercise, and, if your lucky, from family and friends. As supportive as those are, if you yourself don't have COPD you can't understand the frustration and anxiety that comes from the dread of climbing stairs and stopping halfway before you continue your ascent to your final destination. Once there you continue to gasp trying to catch your breath as if you've just climbed the tallest mountain. This past week I found a sensitive, understanding group of people who know how all consuming it feels not to be able to do things you use to effectlessly. Thanks to all who post their experience peppered work their sense of humor. I appreciate each of you

  1. CommunityMember8cf64a,
    Very nice post! I have to agree 100% There is only a couple of choices to make once you are diagnosed with COPD. Either you can do everything you can to keep it at bay and deal with it, or you can feel sorry for yourself and slowly get worse. I choose to do everything I can to keep it at bay and I hope you are doing the same. Take care and God Bless!

    1. It makes us feel good to know this is a place of understanding and real support for so many. We work hard to make that happen, and messages like yours make all the difference for the staff, too. So thank YOU for being here and for your kindness! -Melissa, team member

      1. Life has allways been a bitch. Looking for a way to end it. I am only a burden for everyone.

        1. Thank you getting close but still not near enough to nme here in Malaga.

        2. I wish I had more local resources to share with you, . Can you afford private therapy? How is the treatment of COPD in Spain? Do you feel your doctors are doing all they can? - Lori (Team Member)

      2. Thank you for your kind words. But I don't want anymore. I am so tired. I have one wish and that's not to wake up.

        1. , we hear you and so do others in our community who share your pain, I hope you are able to find some comfort in South Paw's message below. We are here to offer any support, or even just an ear to listen to. As Lori said, we aren't professional counselors, but I would be happy to private message you some additional resources if you so choose. Wishing you a peaceful day. All the best, Sam S. (COPD team).

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