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Is living in the mountains going to make me worse?

I was just diagnosed with COPD. Right now I'm on Trelegy and a rescue inhaler. BUT - our home is at 6800 feet. Is living here going to make me worse physically?

  1. Wow that is a good question. I would definitely ask your doctor for he/she would be the best to answer it of course. My own personal thoughts and I am not a medical professional, would be that your body is already use to it, so maybe not. Again your doctor should be able to answer with some sort of confirmation I would imagine. Sorry I could not be any further help.

    1. Hi , and thanks for your post and question - it's a good one! I see you've already elicited some pertinent comments from our good community members, @CopdGirl and .
      I also have something to contribute. Although this can vary, from patient-to-patient, living at high altitudes may have an effect on one's breathing capabilities, especially with pulmonary disease. This is because the atmosphere is 'thinner' at higher elevations. This means there is a reduced oxygen content in the atmospheric air that is available at that particular altitude. This can affect folks without pulmonary disease, too. As said - it can vary among people.
      I thought you might find it helpful to read about high altitude and see how, and if, you think this is applicable to your case. It is from our sister site, I would also suggest that you discuss this at length with your own private medical doctor (PMD).
      Here is the link: I do hope you find the information is helpful in a practical way.
      Wishing you well,
      Leon (site moderator

      1. Reading, reading!

      2. Hi again, carol - thanks for acknowledging my comment to you. I hope I didn't provide too much reading - if I did, I am sorry! From my perspective, the more one knows about this disease, the better able they will be to manage it in collaboration with their physician.
        If we can assist you in any way, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here!
        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator

    2. Your response dltld is very helpful. I feel like I have a really special community supporting me and that is everything. My mom had copd and I guess I knew almost nothing about it. Most of my friends have no comprehension what this really means and just to have that support is fabulous!

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