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Is a Pelonis heater safe around 3lb. supplemental oxygen?

I need to know soon because heating season almost upon us and we have always used natural gas for heat. Our (grown) children are using everything they can to force us out of our home of 51 years. This is causing me to lose sleep with worry.

I have tried searching the web but have found no real answers to this question. I have lost 50lbs. since AFib put her in the ER and we've had to fight to balance oxygen levels with low blood pressure.

  1. It sounds as if you are really stressed out. Sorry you are going through so much. Even though I can not answer your question, these thoughts might be helpful. It reads are if you are thinking you Natural Gas furnace will not keep things warm enough for you and your lovely wife this winter season and you are looking at investing in supplemental heating source. It appears that "Pelonis" is a brand name to different types of space heaters. May I suggest contacting Pelonis customer service and asking them rather the unit / type of heater is safe with O2 use. I did find a link to their customer service for your convenience . If you wish also what about contacting the Company that supplies the O2 to your wife with what type of heater you are looking at purchasing (Ceramic Electric or Oil Filled) and see what their thoughts are? Last on this matter, what about your local Fire Department or Fire Marshall, they might have some insight also.

    Being a COPD patient myself I also found humidity plays a factor on ease to breathing. Personally my lungs prefers to have our homes humidity around the 40% mark. So during the summer months we have a Dehumidifier and during the winter months when the furnace is on we have a Humidifier. Knowing where your home might set if this is something you might consider we purchased a hygrometer, pretty in expensive and monitored the way I felt first. Next came the above mentioned machines as needed, which you might not need at all of course for we are all different, but getting a little hygrometer might be helpful going into the winter months.

    As for your adult children. Being on both sides of that fence, a while back for my parents and now my children with us. They only are meaning they would like the best for you both, but sometimes get carried away without listening to your feelings. Have a sensible chat with them, tell them you will keep it in mind if things get to tough to handle, this could satisfy them for a while and give you less worries. Another thing if you wish for more information on rather they (Children) could actually force you to do something that you do not wish to do, try contacting the Department of Aging Council in your local area and ask them questions about your rights, they should be able to answer those questions or put you in to the right direction to get those answers. Rest easy in this matter for now.

    Best to you, please keep us posted on rather the heater will work out for you or not.. Doris

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Lots of good advice that I will follow up on, for sure. It has been a handful. You have already helped set my mind at ease with your suggestions. I gave up a reasonably successful career as a musician to spend 50 years in factories and am now retired/disabled but have become the family scapegoat which doesn't help.

      Thanks again,

      1. Don, Glad you find some of this could be helpful, that is what this site is all about! Hey just another tip if you have not checked in to it already, many utility companies will give discounts to either those on O2 / disabled or for those that are retired, never hurts to ask, the worst thing they can say is NO... We have all heard that before right? LOL Oh families, they can be the best and the worst at the same time. At least you are a strong individual to be the scapegoat, try to ignore them when it comes to that stuff. There is many people on here that are in to music, when you find you have time, you could start a new discussion about the type of music you like etc... there might be others that would chime in and have a chat with you. Hope you have a BUNCH of luck with this stuff. Doris

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