My mother has COPD (stage 4 I believe). She got diagnosed in 2019 and quit smoking instantly (cold turkey). I'm very proud of her for that fact and that she tries her best. I need advice/support because this year (started after weather changed and got very hot, humid, etc) she started having more of a problem doing things. She takes trelegy every day since she was diagnosed and recently got a nebulizer. She's not as consistent with the nebulizer since she's not as fond of it as she thought. I might be because she doesn't like having to breathe in from the tube while having her nasal cannula in for oxygen. She also knows that her lungs aren't getting better...harder for her to do deep breaths (like when doing the trelegy). She has a machine (a trilogy?) for when she sleeps. She has become homebody since she doesn't like how long it takes to get ready to leave the house on top of how winded she gets doing an activity. She's fine with staying home for the most part but doesn't enjoy that she's kinda stuck even when at home due to breath limitations, equipment limitations, and house space. We got her a wheelchair to make it easier when having to leave the house. She's never liked going to the doctor but now she dreads it even more than before. Doesn't help that it's pretty much just me and her (occasionally I might be able to get help from family but normally not). We had a heart to heart last time she had a flare up/sinus infection/cold/whatever you want to call it. She knows she has more limitations but I feel like she's limiting herself (even if it is subconsciously). She told me today, she's afraid that they will send her to the hospital. I told her not to borrow trouble because I know stress can cause or aggravate problems. I know I'm rambling but I feel like these message boards are my only sounding board/support. How can I keep her in the right mind set or help her in general since sometimes I feel like I'm throwing things at a wall to see if they stick. I just want her to be comfortable and happy as long as I have her. I know that she has other health issues but I feel like the COPD overpowers the rest and hinders things sometimes.