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I and 73 years old. I was diagnosed with COPD in the late 90's. I walk one lap around the track every morning, and walk at least 2,000 steps per day. I also use the Breather 4 times a day, take Trelegy once in the morning and have a rescue inhaler. I have shortness of breath when I go up hill or up stairs, when vacuuming the floor or washing the car etc. For the last couple of weeks I have had more mucus than normal, particularly if I recline in the recliner or lay on my back. I don't get it as much if I stand, or walk or sit upright. I live alone and do all my shopping and house cleaning. Could this be a COPD flare up? I don't

  1. Hi , and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having joined today only a few hours ago. We are glad to see you already engaging directly with the community through this, your first post.
    It looks like you may not have finished your thought. I will try to address your expressed concerns as you shared them here. (perhaps when you see this, you will be able to finish your post)
    You may be aware that COPD affects every patient differently. Having said that, exacerbations can vary, too, among patients. An accumulation of mucus, may be representative of a change from what is considered to be routine (for you). These changes can include exacerbations, infections, colds, allergic reactions, etc. In order to be sure what this excess mucus means in your particular case, you may want to reach out to your physician. The doctor will be able to provide you with an assessment and determine what the cause is. If necessary, suitable treatment can also be prescribed.
    What do you think?
    Leon L (author / site moderator)

    1. I have an appointment next week. My worst time right now is at night. Worrying wakes me at around 3AM, the last couple of nights. This morning when I woke at 3, I had terrible mucus so I didn't get back to bad. The increased mucus started last week. I was still able to walk the track this morning. I don't seem to be any shorter of breath than I was before the increased mucus. The worrying at 3AM is almost as bad as the mucus. My wife had stage 3 COPD before she died of cancer, I remember she had flare ups that would last a few weeks and then get better. I think that this might be what I am experiencing. She never had the mucus like I have, but she did have severe shortness of breath .

      Anyway, it actually makes me feel better just talking about it.

      1. Hi, ! I responded to your other post also but wanted to add to this comment of yours as well. It could be just a flare that is happening and you may not have this all of the time. I would get this way during flares also but it seems since my COPD has progressed a bit that I have the mucas all of the time. Those devices and meds that I mentioned in your other comment address that though. Take care, Jackie (Moderator)

      2. You guys are great. I am glad I came across the web site. I have been stressing out so much. Y'all have been a big help

    2. Thanks for the links. They are helpful

      1. better night last night. Got some sleep and didn't wake up at 3AM worrying. Mucus wasn't near as bad, although during my walk around the track I did have to stop and clear some mucus. Kind of embarrassing, but you do what you got to do. I am in a much better frame of mind today.

      2. What brand of nebulizer do you use? I heard the Mesh nebulizers won't work with sodium chloride 7%

    3. Hi Jackie, I saw your post in another thread and order from a nebulizer and sodium chloride 7% from Amazon they should be here on Friday. I have the Breather and a device with one large ball bearing, not sure what it is called, but it has PHCVS printed on it, I think it might be similar to the acapella, if not, I will order one. I have an adjustable bed and I have been setting it flat, but after seeing this, I will elevate the head. Thank you so much for the information.

      1. Hey John! I am late to the party but want to say hello and welcome again. How are you feeling since it's been a few days? Any better?

        Also, it's great to hear that you're walking the track. Staying active is truly the best thing you can do for COPD. Getting out probably helps move that mucus around a bit too, which is a plus.

        I also struggle with anxiety at night sometimes. I have found listening to music, nature sounds or even a meditation on YouTube to be a big help in those moments, as it gets me out of my thoughts and focusing on other things. Might be worth looking into.

        Glad you're here! See you around. -Melissa, copd team

      2. Thanks for your response. I have been feeling better the last few days. Jackie recommended nebulizing saline salt 7%. I cleared it with my GP and use it at night and in the morning. So far it has worked pretty well. I really appreciate Jackie suggesting that. I also appreciate your suggestion about night anxiety

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