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I sit still, am ok without oxygen. 140 bpm walking. calcium ok is fast. Oxy also rises to 96.

  1. Hi . I am glad to hear you are doing well without oxygen and that your blood pressure doesn't soar too high when you walk. How are you doing overall these days? Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I can breath much better in this quaint town. Moved here 2 months ago. My friend Bruce is moving to my RV park very soon. WE have come to the understanding that we need each other for medical reasons. If I sit and dont do much, my oxygen is ok, but if I shower or get up to make coffee, my heart rate goes up to 146 or so. This does concern me, but my heart is good. So confusing. Been stuck in my RV for 12 days as my truck broke a driveshaft. Finally got out of the park when Bruce arrived with a trailer with plants. He will bring his RV in 2 weeks. I think 140 plus is too high, but it hurts to breath when it goes high. Nothing I can do, except breathing right. So glad you are keeping an eye on me. Having no family, this makes you my new family. Thankyou for being there.

      1. I am happy to hear that Bruce agreed to move and that you will have each other, . With two RVs, you can lean on each other, but you will each also have your own personal space. That's wonderful.
        In your initial post, I thought you meant your blood pressure increase came with longer bouts of walking, as exercise. That's pretty high for simply walking through the RV to the bathroom or kitchen area. As you know, I'm no medical expert, but I would guess your blood pressure increases because a lack of adequate oxygen is making your heart work harder. Have you found a new pulmonologist yet? If so, it would be a good question to ask. I wonder if slowly introducing more light exercise or changes in your supplemental oxygen might help.
        I always enjoy chatting with you. I'm glad you joined the community. Sending bunches of gentle hugs your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. glad your here, you are an inspiration to me.. I've had my car broke for more than a month but I'm out of town and didn't use it to much when home.. it was my wake up call when around June 25th I needed to push it the other side of our residential street and I really ran out of oxygen and luckily had got it to the crown/middle of the road and put the brake on after at least 5 minutes I was able to roll it down to the other side and avoid a street sweeper ticket. Within a few weeks I started having worse "flares" and my GP gave me Albuterol, then a few weeks later I persuaded him into giving me Symbicort and it works pretty good but I am bothered by some of side effects (and scared that the corticosteroid stops the respiratory immune system from working properly) but may have to live with it. I'm having a rough time learning that I really have to do most things really slow or not at all.
      Thank You

      1. Hi . What an experience that must have been, pushing your car across the street. Do you plan to get the car fixed? I hope your flares calm down over time and you can back off on the Symbicort. Do you think there was a specific trigger for the increase in flares, maybe something you can avoid in the future? Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

      2. Should get my truck back today. Who knows with these idiots. My friend is here for a few days, so we will go to the beach and chill out with our 2 small dogs. I have always been very active, and it kills me to not be able to do things. I am learning to live with it but that doesn't mean I like it. Laptop movies and solitaire help, but I try to do leg lifts and sitting exercises while using comp. I am stage 4 now, and I wonder things like will I make Christmas etc. Just go a few days at a time. Keep smiling at everyone, it makes their day and will make yours as well.

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