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How to handle questions from a store cashier.

For a number of years, I have been reluctant to use my oxygen in public. It just made me feel different. But after dealing with a MAC infection my thinking has changed. I now always carry my POC with me when I go out. There are no comments made by anyone. Until this morning.
I was at a market I do not frequent. I went to the check out; I did not know the cashier. She noticed my oxygen cannula and asked if I had a good pulmonary doctor.
Is this proper for a cashier to ask? My response was "Yes. I do""
It just upset me that someone who does not know me should ask so personal a question.

  1. ziel75berk,
    I would have said, "Yes I do have a good pulmonary doctor. Why do you ask?" Who knows, maybe she was legitimately looking for a good pulmonologist. Then again, maybe she was just being nosy. The only way to know was to ask her why she asks. Just my two cents.

    1. Hi again, , and thanks for your post, question and concern - they are good ones! Although I am not surprised by the cashier's seemingly inquisitiveness/nosiness - I tend to agree with our fellow member, 's response. The other possibility that might be a part of this is, if the cashier wanted to recommend a good pulmonologist for you, if your answer was 'no'. Perhaps she is familiar with pulmonary issues.
      Since we do not know what was in her thoughts, I would be inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. I also like Dminor suggesting 'why do you ask?". That puts the burden on her to respond and will more than likely answer all our concerns.
      How does that sit with you?
      Leon (site moderator

      1. Thank you for the question for I learned something new, had no idea of MAC, know I do! I had contracted Valley Fever it to lives in the soil as your bacteria does, interesting.

        I agree with both gentlemen and on this one. Standing in public service like she does all day long and asking people all day, "How are you today" or similar is pretty boring for the same answers come back to her. I give the cashier credit for being alert and paying attention to those she/he is helping instead of making you feel like your dealing yet with one more machine / computer in our lives. Also if the cashier used the right terminology she/he either is experiencing something personal to do with their lungs or a close family member, maybe a child, partner or parent, and willing to share information or maybe needed information. Then again, this person could be in some sort of medical schooling and just using their knowledge at their part time job to make their way to their goal? My favorite person when I am asked questions or being stared at is small children, they are just curious in wonderment. I will actually answer even if the parent is standing there apologizing for the child's actions and let the know I am ok with the questions. For those that are staring, I start the conversation with them about what they are looking at and explain what it is then answer any questions they might have. Funny how each time the parent thanks me for sharing with the child after the fact. There has been a few times where a parent has even asked a couple questions once conversation is moving along. People / humans are curious beings!

        I hope one day you will feel more comfortable using your POC in public, I am so looking forward to receiving mine soon that I am full of excitement for I will be able to do so much more and will not be limited to how many pull along tanks are needed to make a trip to the place of interest including a grocery store. I wish you well and hoping you are breathing easier.

        1. Hi there, I am sure that she didn’t mean any harm asking this, maybe she has someone in the family with copd, are even have it herself maybe lost someone with this awful disease.Could have took her back to a place where someone she loved had it. We don’t really know what someone else may be going though. She probably didn’t even have realised that she did any wrong in asking you.X

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