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Has anyone thought death would be better than life?

I have smoked for 50 years. My breathing has become awful. I'm tired all the time, in a bad mood most the time, it is awful and not me at all. My breathing is so bad that at times I literally seize up and there is no breath at all. Do I smoke? I do. More than ever. Close to if not two packs a day. What in the world is my problem?? The word Addiction I don't know how I feel it's ridiculous. It's more of a Feeling of I just don't care anymore. I just don't know very very confused. Any good answers or advice out there??

  1. , quitting smoking is so extremely hard and I hear how difficult it can be to care about quitting anymore. What I do know though is that quitting smoking, while hard, can only help you feel better and help your COPD. Here are a few articles we have on quitting smoking that you may find helpful:,, All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Thank you very very much. I do appreciate it I really do

      1. I still smoke and have experienced what you have described. I’m also bi-polar so I know how it feels to believe death is better. All I can do is state the fact that death is FINAL. And because of that I’m quite certain seeking psych help and a anti depressants as well as med for anxiety can truly help you right now. As I said you can’t come bake from the final decision that death offers but seeking some psych help would be the best and most practice route to take now

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