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Going to bed new experiences and scared

The last week going to bed has been scarry. I've been having a hard time with breatheing at night feels like I've lost my breath and mucus is a lot of it choking have to set up and try to set up to get my breathe don't know if this is a nother stage

  1. Hi again, CM9cff15, and thanks for this post. It's understandable if you are having
    increased difficulty breathing and increased mucus accumulation at night, that it might cause you some anxiety.
    Have you had an opportunity to discuss this with your physician? Perhaps the doctor can assess your particular situation
    and make an adjustment to your medication regimen. The adjustment may enable you to sleep more comfortably if the difficulty
    breathing and airway clearance can be addressed with medication.
    What do you think?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thanks for that I have talked with my doctor he put me on some medicine but it is not working maybe I just need to be patient

      1. Hi again, CM9cff15, and thanks for acknowledging my comment. If the medication does not seem to be working, you may want to bring that up again to the doctor. It is important, when medications are being changed, to keep the line of communication open between your doctor and yourself. Working together, the doctor will be able to keep a closer watch (with you), on the effectiveness of the medication changes. That would be my suggestion moving forward.
        Please do check back and keep us apprised of your progress, if you don't mind.
        Good luck!
        Leon (site moderator

    2. I will talk to him again though because I do have concerns hope he does something different any suggestions

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