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Giving up smoking and gum problems

I have not posted for a while; I gave up smoking at last on Xmas eve, I'm in my late 60s. I'm over the pond in England and our NHS system has collapsed since COVID, it is practically impossible to get an NHS dentist and they were shut in the living lockdowns. Lately I have had bleeding gums, did get to see my dentist and I have bad gum disease, and I am going to have a tooth out soon and have a denture soon. My partner and I have both had health probs and cancer scares in the last couple of years. I had flu Xmas which turned into pneumonia but better now. My question is has anyone else developed gum problems after they stopped smoking. I am normally upbeat but it's getting me down, thank you.

  1. Hi - it's so good to see you re-engaging with the community after a brief respite. I remember you! I also looked back at some of the conversations we have had with you here, as well as the support you have lent to others. We appreciate your membership!
    Congratulations on being 'smoke-free' since Christmas-time - that is a true accomplishment - one you can genuinely be proud of!!
    I am hopeful others in the community will see your post/question and respond by sharing their own experiences with gum disease and quitting smoking. I don't believe there is a connection between the two - did your dentist advise you of the cause in your case?
    In the meantime, I thought you might want to review the articles we have published (right here on, which are related to COPD and dentistry. Perhaps you will find some answers there!
    Again - welcome back!
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thank you for your prompt reply and I have read some of the articles which have helped a bit, but still get anxious. My dentist gave me a long lecture about smoking and gum disease, but also that it can be genetic or because I had a lot of bowel surgery due to a ruptured appendix when I was 12 which affected my development. My own thoughts are that I am lucky I am still here after COVID, so have to 'man up' and get it sorted out, but at times it seems like one thing after another! Any help much appreciated.

      1. Congrats on the stop smoking! Way to go! As for gum disease I went through that 2 years ago. The cause could have been one of many things for me. Here is what I learned at that time.
        decay / cracked tooth or infection
        dry mouth syndrome / disease
        a tiny piece of food getting below the gum line out of reach of brushing and flossing
        poor dental hygiene, not enough of course for you, some need more then others
        old tooth brush - suggested to change once every 3 months
        some autoimmune disease

        Explained to me that it takes something to cause bacteria to grow and spread, pending on which bacteria on how fast it grows of coarse.

        How did they help clear that up for me? Well they did what is called here a "deep root cleaning". What that is, they gave me a numbing rinse for my mouth and cleaned each tooth down to the root. Then a regular cleaning and polishing. Sent me home with a special prescription tooth paste and mouth rinse to use for a recommended period of time, a round electric rotating toothbrush with directions on how often to change the little spinning brush and was specific on how to brush for this particular reason, a little different then normal, I guess. Yes I to had teeth removed, parcel denture. Gums are great now !

        Hope this helps! Good luck

        1. Glad I could remind you and help. While heeling also they had me rinse a twice a day with warm salt water and take extra vitamin C. Not sure if that might help you at this time, but just recalled it. Yes, here COVID has changed some health care in areas no matter what type of care needed. Guess it's a new phase of our lives and we will adjust in time. So glad you were able to get an appointment and soon enough you will back on track with taking care of more of your needs. Best of luck!

        2. You've got this, Rosie - you can do it, and we are all here to lend you support. It is what we do!!
          Good luck and please, do check back and keep us apprised of how you're doing.
          Leon (site moderator

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