Hi. Still kind of new here but wanted to share something I discovered. I've been drinking those ensure and boost max protein shakes typically having around 320-350 calories. And typically buy store brand to save several dollars. My PCP listed me with severe weight loss, 165 down to 133 in less than year a d I do eat some meals each days, switched from water to juices for extra calories. I found Boost VHC but only from internet results. It has 520 calories per 8 oz. container so I ordered a carton direct from manufacturer. Drink 2 sometimes 3 a day. I feel better even drinking 2 cause I know I've gotten over 1000 calories. Hoping that with my continued intermittent small meals and snacks will help add weight. I try to eat healthy but fruits n veggies dont add that much. Salmon when I can, and pasta when I have energy to pre prep. But it is not a prescription and orderable online. Not carried by local grocers by me. So if you need more calories give it a try, my fav is chocolate good and cold.