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Flare up

Dear all
I am not a native English speaker and want to know the meaning of flare up exactly , Is it mean the blue coulor of body due to lack of oxegen Or it means the exacerbation of the desease .?
Thanks for you all

  1. , you are correct that it would be the exacerbation of the disease. Our contributor John has written a good article on this subject that I wanted to share with you: I hope this helps, let me know! ~Melanie (team member)

    1. Hi SamI, and thank you for your post. I see my colleague, , has already replied to your inquiry with a link to a helpful article on the topic of flare-ups/exacerbations. I do hope you find it to be helpful.
      I also notice that you mentioned a clinical symptom presentation, known as cyanosis. This generally presents as a blueish color of the fingers and/or toes, and lips, and can be indicative of long standing oxygen deprivation. There are various medical conditions that may result in an cyanotic appearance. I thought this article, on that very subject, might provide you with some additional insight:
      I do hope you find this material to be helpful as well.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator

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