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Finally a diagnosis

So I was Recently diagnosed with diffuse centrilobular emphysematous change. There are a few thin-walled pulmonary cysts. Mild lower lobe subpleural linear densities. This all is so confusing. Anyone else have this diagnosis? A little concerned about the outlook. I am using Advair and have a rescue inhaler. Oxygen levels range from 90 to 97 typically. Heart rate can go pretty high. Tired, cough, SOB, and chest tightness are worse symptoms. Struggling to understand all of this. Seems like 3 different diagnoses.

  1. We just never know how to handle these issues when they first present ourselves. I would suggest that you keep thorough diary or journal of your symptoms.
    When done on a daily basis, you will have an easier time regurgitating the information back to the doctor and this helps him make an educated opinion with evidence based information. I like to track the weather patterns too because I have learned it plays a big part in how I feel. Wishing you love and light for a speedy resolution. Barbara Moore (moderator)

    1. Hi. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us here. It is totally understandable to be concerned when you get such a diagnosis. And I am sorry that you are having to go through all of this. I see you received a response from my colleague Barbara above. I want to say that I agree with her 100%. Have you had a chance to look over her suggestions? That said, I do have something to add myself. Based on my 25 plus years experience reviewing x-rays and CTs of patients with COP,D, I am wondering if the terms you mention above -- "centrilobular emphysematous change," "thin-walled pulmonary cysts," and "subpleural linear densities" -- are complex medical terms radiologists use in describing what they see on x-rays or CTs. In other words, I'm thinking they are basically their fancy way of communicating to your doctor that they see that you MAY have COPD. And your doctor can use this information to decide what further tests to order, and how best to adjust your treatment regimen moving forward to get you feeling better. Have you had a chance to talk to your doctor about your concerns here yet? Hope this helps. And wishing you all the best. John. community moderator

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