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Fevers every day for a month

Hi. I have a question. With copd is it normal to have a fever of 100.4 to 101.6 every day for a month. I have wheezing sometimes. I also have heart issues. Was diganosed 7 months ago so I'm new to all this.

  1. A month is a long time. What does your doctor say about the fever?

    1. Hi. Thank you for your great question. I am sorry to hear that you are having to deal with a fever, and for so long of a time. In my humble opinion as a respiratory therapist, it is not normal for a person with COPD or heart failure to have a temperature. Usually, what causes a temperature is your body's attempt to fight off a virus or bacterial infection. Of course, there may be other causes too, but that is the most common cause. The general recommendation for a fever, especially one that lingers on, is to seek medical consultation. Is this something that you have done already? Have you talked to your doctor? That would truly be the only way to get a proper diagnosis so that you can get the treatment that you deserve. What do you think? John. community moderator.

      1. Hi CM356, and thanks for your post. Not to be redundant, as my colleague, , and fellow community member, , have already chimed in with excellent responses, but this is an important topic.
        I agree with what has been said and suggested. To have a fever as you've shared here (100.4 to 101.6), is not something to be taken lightly. This is especially so because, as you said, the fever has persisted for a month already.
        If you have not reached out to your private medical doctor (PMD), as yet, my suggestion would also be for you to do so. You may want to do this sooner rather than later!
        What are you thoughts about this?
        Wishing you well,
        Leon (site moderator

        1. I have asked my doctor only thing he told me is that i have something called pots that could be causing this. There is no virus or infection. I noticed when my oxygen drops to 72 i get a little bit of temp and tired. My cardiologist won't put me on oxygen till my oxygen drops all the time while walking. I have failed 2 stress tests. The first test i lasted 3 minutes and 2nd stress test i lasted 2 minutes.

          1. I again, CM356, and thanks for your reply and further explanation. The syndrome your doctor mentioned, POTS, is known as 'postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome'. For more of an explanation of POTS, and how it specifically affects your own health, I would urge you to discuss this further with the doctor. The doctors should be able to spend time with you, explain more about what you can expect from how you're feeling and, how they plan to treat it moving forward. That may be a good practical approach to getting some answers for yourself.
            What do you think?
            Leon (site moderator

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