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Emphysema and spirometer

Hi. I have severe emphysema and have been researching various treatments. With the spirometer, wouldn't that just ADD to the oxygen our lungs can't expel ??? And therefore add to our main problem?? Thanks for any input!

  1. ,
    The main reason for using the spirometer is to exercise the lungs and help clear out mucus and infection. I had pneumonia last year and now have moderate COPD. I have been using the spirometer and the acapella machines daily since then and they have really helped my breathing and help keep my lungs clear. They in no way add to your lung problem, they are very beneficial. You can also learn pursed lip breathing. This helps to empty the lungs as much as possible before taking another breath. There are many more breathing exercises available. You can research them online, you can go to pulmonary rehabilitation classes, and you can talk to your doctor about all of these things. My pulmonologist gave me the spirometer and acapella machines when I got out of the hospital and told me to use each 5 times a day, 10 breathes each time. I definitely notice if I miss a set of breathing exercises. I do my best to stay on schedule with doing them. They most definitely help my breathing and help keep my lungs clear. I hope this helps.

    1. I meant for my "post" earlier today to be as a "reply" to you. Thank you!

  2. Thanks for your reply. It always helps to hear what how others see the situation. It is.on my list of questions for my Dr.

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