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Should I be alarmed about droplets in the tubing through oxygen cylinder?

  1. Hi Prabha - Without more specifics, it's somewhat challenging to answer your question.
    However, in the most general of terms, typically droplets in oxygen tubing may be there from a humidification device that is in use.
    If you are able to provide more detail, we may be able to provide more of an answer.
    If you are concerned ('alarmed' as you said), about these droplets, I would suggest you contact your equipment supplier to make certain everything is working properly.
    Please do check back and let us know how you're doing.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator)

    1. Hi Leon, Thank you so much for prompt response. I was so worried to see water in my tubing, but after sometime it dried up. It was indeed from the humidification bottle which was filled above the marked level.
      I'm so happy to be part of this forum. Life with COPD is like living on a lonely planet. Regards,

      1. Hi again Prabha - it's our pleasure. Now I understand that you actually were seeing moisture in the oxygen supply tubing. That certainly can be frightening as water should not be there! If the humidifier was filled too high, it would be a simple matter for the bubbling humidifier to carry water through the output port and into the tubing - this should never be happening. The last thing any one needs is to inhale a bolus of water that has found it's way into the tubing.
        For the future, it's always prudent to check your equipment prior to each use. In this particular instance, you now understand the importance of the 'fill line' demarcation on the humidifier bottle.
        We're so glad to have you as a member of our online community, Prabha - you are always welcome here!
        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator)

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