I Will Be Getting Medicare And Purchasing A Suplimental Insurance Anyone Had A Lung Transplant And Could Give Me A Round About Figure What You Paid For Surgery Only.
I hope you can find some answers here. Do you already have your lung transplant scheduled? Wishing you all the best. - John M. (COPD.net Team)
frankie3 Member
Last Updated:
Not Sceduled As Yet.Waiting On Medicare Coverage Which Will Be November And Getting A Suplemental Insurance Also.Dont Want To Do Anything Yet Because Anything I Pay Will Not Go Toward Deductable On Medicare.
johnmarshall Community Admin
Last Updated:
That makes sense. Please keep us posted on the process if you're inclined! All the best - John M. (COPD.net Team)
John Bottrell, RRT Member
Last Updated:
Hi. frankie3. Thank you for posting here. I certainly do hope you get some responses. In the meantime, I do know that the cost varies based on where you live and what insurance(s) you have. The best way to get an idea of the cost you would have to pay maybe to contact a person in charge of the insurance that you have -- or in your case will have. And I do believe that, if you qualify for a lung transplant, and you qualify for Medicare, that it will cover most if not all of the cost. What do you think? John. copd.net community moderator.
Lyn Harper, MPA, BSRT, RRT, AE-C Member
Last Updated:
I wish you the best in your upcoming surgery. Regarding cost - there is often someone responsible in the doctors office that can make the phone calls and work out all the details surrounding the surgery and possible out of pocket costs. I would recommend speaking to the office manager and asking for help with this. I've known people to actually get a fairly detailed list of projected costs and expenses related to a particular surgery.