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Does drops in oxygen cause urge to urinate?

I noticed this summer as I was nearing the end of oxygen in my tank, I would immediately have to urinate. Sometimes not even able to make it to the house before it happens! Low 80s is usually where my saturation is at that point. Is it truly due to lack of oxygen or could something else be happening?

  1. In my case with severe labored breathing trying to stay active a little. Yes i have the same problem. Almost can't hold it. Never had a problem when on the oxygen. I play close attention with the slightest urge and go. Yes mine has been as low as 84.
    The Exacerbation's are brutal as you well know. If i decide to go out for anything, i place myself as needed and go ahead if possible. Have a great holiday.

    1. Yes this has happened to me and even including bowl movements, just not enough O2 to keep everything working properly something got to give and this seems to be it. I have not yet had to go to protective underwear but have used pads for menstruation when out and about for those just incase a leak happens. I do feel for you and understand.

      1. I'm not sure if this will be useful but it looks like it may have something to do with it: It seems like you are not the only one who has experienced oxygen-related bladder issues! This illness causes so many bizarre and frustrating side effects, it can be overwhelming! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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