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Do the numbers really matter?

A year and a half ago I had pft and I wasn't confident the results were right, because the technician and her directions were really confusing, like take a deep breath now!. I just did. uh.
My pulmonologist asked if I'd do it again, I said yes
I had it redone today at a different hospital
Not that much different but all numbers are up a little bit. I still felt like the direction was maybe not the best.
I've been educating myself about lung health which is big time about exercise. I don't care what those numbers say. I know I'm much better than I was two years ago when I was smoking.
Oh. I sleighed the six minute walk test. The technician who walked with me was huffing and I was fine.

  1. everyone is different! All you can do, and it sounds like you are, is your best. As long as you are feeling better, keep up with what you are doing! All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

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