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distracting my brain...

I am a 65 year old with Stage 3 COPD.

The best advice my therapist gave me was to count 100 backwards or start looking at my surrounding and start counting. For instance I was in the park look at the tree and start counting the leaves on a branch or if I was in the city start counting dirt or sand on the pavement. AS odd as it sounds I understood basically I had to distract my bring from thinking I am not going to make it to think something else!

Now I am completely off of antidepressant. Originally my doc prescribed much stronger RX but none of those oral meds woks quick enough. I was told the best meds is to administer it via shot but I was not keen on the idea of carrying syringe in my pocket!

Also now I can predict when I start having a shortness of breath ( like stairs ) I would just move very slow and stop. Breathing through my stomach helps. O2 level might dips below 80 just for a moment but no panic attack.

  1. What a great strategy, ! Thanks for sharing. I do something similar to distract myself from anxiety at night when I can't sleep. I count down from 300 and force myself to start over if my mind wanders. It's really helpful. I am glad you here you were able to get off antidepressants. How awesome. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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