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How do I convince my doctor that I know best to treat flareup?...sometimes refuse to nip in bud with prednisone and or antibiotic no signs to give it other than mucus thick yellow, xray ok..etc

  1. Stand your ground. You are the patient with this illness On the mucus side of things. I have a good friend that has had lung issues that is a surgeon. now retired. We were talking 2 months ago. Brought the conversation of a supplement called NAC for the mucus issue. There are a ton of videos on youtube. It is not for everyone tho.

    Yes i take 1200 a day, but that is me. Talk about bring it up WOW. Of all the specialists i am seeing for heart and lung. not one ever brought this up. There are several studies on this product. It is worth the read. Very inexpensive product also on Amazon. Wishing you better health..

    1. Thank you I will check it out

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