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Diagnosis for COPD

Hi, I am an active 66 year old male I was sent for a routine chest X-ray around 3
months ago and my doctor suspected that I have mild COPD as there were signs of this on the X ray results I have been walking a good few miles every week for years and I had also quit smoking 3 years ago but I started to notice a slight shortness of breath recently which I never had before t I hardly coughed or anything when I had been smoking for 49 years. This shortness of breath came on gradually at the beginning of the summer. My doctor still has not sent me for a proper test she just assumed I have this because of the X-ray report surely I should be given further tests? I wasn't really feeling it that much until the last couple of weeks when the colder weather started and I have been getting a runny nose and bad chest every time I go out walking or shopping it is cold here in Scotland. I phoned my doctor surgery yesterday to ask if I could get a prescription for an inhaler but the receptionist said I need to discuss this with the doctor she then said It is because I am not fully diagnosed yet I wonder when because nothing else seems to be happening since I had the X-ray I don't have an appointment until the 12th December and this appointment was just to review my other HBP medication not for COPD I usually get a lot of sinus problems have had them for years I had to use some Beconase aqueous nasal spray which I found lying around my home this did help a little but it doesn't fix the sore chest problem and the cold air did affect my breathing the other night when it was very cold outside. Andy, Glasgow 🥰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  1. Hi. Andy. If a doctor suspects you have COPD, even before it is confirmed by further testing, he or she should be able to prescribe COPD medicines if it is believed they would help you feel better. Regarding further testing, you are correct: further testing should be done. The best test for helping diagnose COPD is a pulmonary function test. If you continue to experience symptoms, is there a doctor or clinic that you could visit to get more immediate treatment for your symptoms? John. community moderator.

    1. I also have high blood pressure and take meds for it, so I totally get it. I think it may be time to think about scheduling an appointment with a pulmonary specialist. It is a good place to start if you think you may be experiencing symptoms of COPD. We have a guide on what to do when you are first diagnosed that might be helpful as well: Let us know if there's anything else we can do! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

      1. I already commented on the 3rd December I managed to see my doctor before Christmas and she gave me a prescription for an inhaler My copd is pretty mild and I don't always feel it much when I'm sitting at home I have 16 stairs in my house but I don't have any problems and I go up and down the stairs a lot so my breathing is usually fine at home I do go out walking a couple of days a week and usually cover around 6 miles or more over those 2 days I think I should be doing a bit more exercise though. I only start to feel it a little more when I go out to get my shopping as the superstore is about a mile away and I get a little bit of breathlessness by the time I get there I have been that used to walking everywhere over the years with no problems so I just keep pushing myself to see how much I can handle as I am determined not to be beaten by this I have also been getting little anxiety attacks sometimes when I am out which only last for a few minutes but I am fine afterwards I don't know if this is because of the copd or just an age thing I just turned 67 in December I haven't actually used my inhaler yet Should I be using it even though my copd is pretty mild ? I am still waiting for an appointment to get a spirometry test but I think there is a waiting list. I do have one problem though I have been vaping since I gave up tobacco 3 years ago it doesn't feel as if it's making my COPD any worse but I am finding it hard to quit I never had any breathing problems when I quit smoking tobacco the shortness of breath only started last summer Anyway I would be grateful for any advice. Andy, Glasgow 🥰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

        1. Hi, Andy! It sounds like you're just starting to get things figured out with your symptoms and treatment. Glad you're here with us! Were there specific directions given with the inhaler, like "use daily" or "use as needed"? That can help guide you as to what your doctor's plan is. You should follow whatever instructions you're given by your doctor, even if you feel mostly well right now. Some inhalers are meant to be used regularly to maintain your stability, so it's important to keep using them.

          I would also encourage you to think about cutting back or stopping the vape. Giving up smoking tobacco is not an easy task, and I'm thrilled to hear you were successful. 😁 Vaping, however, is not without risks or harmful effects on your lungs. So anything you can do to protect your lungs is ideal.

          Hope that helps some. Please feel free to let us know what inhaler you were given, maybe we can give you more information about it. Regardless, we are here to support you and I wish you all the best! Reach out anytime and keep taking good care of yourself. -Melissa, team member

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