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Hello, I have very recently had a diagnosis of copd, it has left me reeling. I feel it was just dropped on me and then I was left. I don't know what to do or feel and I can't stop crying.

  1. Hi , and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having just joined today earlier this morning! We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through this, your first post.
    You have certainly come to the right place! Here at, we are all about all things COPD and COPD related. Facing a first-time diagnosis with this disease can be overwhelming to manage, I hear you!
    We actually have a wealth of information, published right here on, which focuses on various aspects of COPD.

    I thought it might help you to read something about the disease itself. Towards that end, this material, which explains the basics, might be a good place to start:
    We are here to help you and lend a supportive ear or, a shoulder to cry on, if it suits you as well.
    Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our community website - it will be time well spent, I am sure.
    If we can assist you in any way, please let me or any other moderator/team member know.

    Warm regards,
    Leon L (author/moderator)

    1. Hi there! I'm sending you so many hugs as I read your message. I'm sorry to hear that your diagnosis was basically dropped on your head and you didn't have time to process. That's not fair!

      Do you feel comfortable telling us a little more about yourself? Like, for example, have you had any testing done at this point or are you taking any medication for your breathing? Were you given a stage?

      Please know that whatever you feel in response to your diagnosis is okay. Take your time and don't feel like you have to shove everything down or just get on with it. At the same time, try not to panic. Everyone with COPD is different, but it is often still possible to spend time with your loved ones, do the things you enjoy and exercise. Some of our members have lived with COPD for decades. A willingness to adapt, a positive attitude and commitment to taking good care of yourself cannot be understated. They really make a big difference! If you are not doing so already, try to get on a good sleep schedule, eat a varied and healthy diet, and do a little exercise. This doesn't have to be anything crazy, even walking for a few minutes inside your house during the commercials is great if that's what you feel you can manage. You can even do chair exercises or simply practice deep breathing.

      Try to take things one day at a time. You are welcome to talk to us as much as you want, and if you have questions we can help you learn more about life with copd. This is a close-knit, positive group of people. I'm glad you found us. You're not alone! -Melissa, copd team

      1. I understand being told you have copd and just leaving you. Not even explaining anything. I was told over the phone 3 weeks after having a PFT. Everything I learned about it, I read on line or on here I hope your feeling better now and learned more about it.

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