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Misty Roussa
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Have you experienced depression alongside your COPD? How do you manage it?
dltld Member
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Yes, depression is something I have experienced since 1996, brought on by another chronic illness prior to COPD. COPD did help enhance those feeling of course and on to asking for more treatment as needed. How do I handle or have handle it, once I realized what was happening I made an appt with my PCP and told them. Thus the PCP gave me a referral to a Psychiatrist for evaluation. Evaluation happened, medication trial and errors started. You see it might take a couple tries to find the medication that works for you as a individual. Many of these meds can start working with in your system after a week or two, but usually takes a full month before it's really showing or giving you the full effect of how they might be helpful to you. While this medication trial is happening, I also was sent to a counselor so they could suggest some tips and tricks to get the mind out of the negative and on to the positive of living. Some things work, some things don't, it's again individual per person. As the years have gone by, life changes, medications have been adjusted as needed, counseling slowed down but still have "refresher visits" as needed. I speak openly to those that wish to know more, you know educate the general public via one individual at a time for me anyway. Then I do the best I can to take care of myself with diet and exercise for those help to for relief. Hope that you find a way to start feeling better and will be able to live your best life possible.
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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Thank you for sharing your experience, Doris (
CommunityMemberb54858 Member
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CommunityMemberad7cc3 Member
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Yes I don't?
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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CommunityMember513 Member
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Yes pills
SamanthaSarube Community Admin
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KatieLou Member
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There may be many things you can’t do that you loved. I have learned to find passive hobbies that I love. Knitting, crochet and painting come to mind.
Exercise and diet are very helpful. I live in mountainous terrain and purchased an e-bike. I could never ride a regular bike where I live. I love it. Get good exercise and get a breeze unless horribly humid out. Sometimes an antidepressant might help. Consult your doctor. I use to get anxiety just for the fact I would loose my breath & that was scary. I meditate every day. Doesn’t have to be long. At first, I thought how can this help. It gives you spaciousness inside & freedom from worry about troublesome things & makes you more positive. Teaches you to live in the NOW.
Helps you relax. You can start with breathing exercises & I use pursed lip breathing for light exercise. I’m on oxygen which has helped me greatly for more intense exercise. Sometimes I feel it was a blessing for me to slow down some & learn about many things in life that are very satisfying that I might not have experienced had I not been forced to.
KatieLou Member
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sharebear Member
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