Hi there, welcome to the forum. With my first doctor visit after being in ICU last year with mycobacterial pneumonia, I was advised to use my emergency inhaler (albuterol) before doing any exercise or physical activity. If I did not, I would be out of breath quickly and would have to sit down and catch my breath. It is not a good feeling. In the past year I have learned (mostly the hard way) what my limitations are. Now with any physical activity, even with using my inhaler, I usually do whatever I am doing for 20 minutes or so, and then take a short break. It takes longer to get things done, but I am more comfortable doing them. You will learn your own limitations and hopefully not the hard way. Take your time and go slowly. Talk to your doctor for recommendations and advice. Ask about pulmonary rehab classes, ask about emergency inhalers, and make a list of questions before you go for your next visit. And of course, you can always ask any questions here. You won't get medical advice, but you will get support and suggestions from people with COPD and how they handle their respective COPD symptoms. God Bless!