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Dealing With People Who Are Ignorant About COPD

I recently had a pretty nasty experience with someone who is ignorant about COPD. They accused me of faking because I am not using oxygen or a walker and claimed I was taking from "people who are genuinely ill". That was very hurtful. They clearly do not understand that someone with mild to moderate COPD can appear "normal" and still have a serious problem. The fact is I am responding well to my treatment; before I started treatment a trip to the bathroom would flatten me. Now, on a good day I can take a walk around the block if I pace myself and take short rest breaks. That person saw me on an exceptionally good day and passed judgement on me based on scant information. I wonder if anyone else has had this kind of experience. I was left speechless.

  1. How awful, . Sadly, you are not alone in that experience. It happens to many people who have invisible illness, especially though who need handicapped parking, but don't use a walker or wheelchair. Here is an article about invisible illnesses that might interest you: I hope you don't run into that kind of ignorance often. Sending the best of all wishes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I personally do not care what other uninformed folk's opinions are of my condition or use of handicapped facilities.
      We live in an age that is 'all about me' and they care little to either be informed or actually care. They simply like to point fingers, complain and go home feeling important.

      They are more ticked off that you have a better parking spot than they do, so laugh at them and take time to rub some salt into that wound they created for themselves. Then we can point fingers, laugh, and go home feeling good too.

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