Yes, I have COPD - the packing has begun even though I don't have another place to go to yet. The place I live in currently has been sold. I do have a helper which is a niece of my late husband helping me pack. The living room and another room are packed up. We are getting there slowly. I have packed some things myself over the weekend. It's hard to break up your home and place them in boxes when you don't know where you are going. Am I angry at what happening - definitely....Do I have anxiety over this yes! Is this in my control - no. Do I sometimes take this out on myself yes.... When you have COPD and on oxygen some options I may have are no longer an option due to no medical staff that can handle if I have an issue with my lungs. Will I give up trying to find a place - no! I just want to find something comfortable that I can afford. Not easy at all. Housing is slow --- or I don't make the income required to live somewhere....Darn - what am I supposed to do? Am I scared - yes, but I know there is something better on the other side right? I can't let my COPD get out of control or I will be out of commission for awhile -- that wouldn't help me either.
Okay my rant over too....