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COPD / Packing Part 2

Yes, I have COPD - the packing has begun even though I don't have another place to go to yet. The place I live in currently has been sold. I do have a helper which is a niece of my late husband helping me pack. The living room and another room are packed up. We are getting there slowly. I have packed some things myself over the weekend. It's hard to break up your home and place them in boxes when you don't know where you are going. Am I angry at what happening - definitely....Do I have anxiety over this yes! Is this in my control - no. Do I sometimes take this out on myself yes.... When you have COPD and on oxygen some options I may have are no longer an option due to no medical staff that can handle if I have an issue with my lungs. Will I give up trying to find a place - no! I just want to find something comfortable that I can afford. Not easy at all. Housing is slow --- or I don't make the income required to live somewhere....Darn - what am I supposed to do? Am I scared - yes, but I know there is something better on the other side right? I can't let my COPD get out of control or I will be out of commission for awhile -- that wouldn't help me either.
Okay my rant over too....

  1. Hi . I'm glad you have found someone to help you pack. You shouldn't be doing that alone and I am sure your daughter is swamped with her classes. You are an awesome mom for encouraging your daughter to continue her education. She will, hopefully, be in a better place to help you after she graduates and lands her first full-time job. I hope you find someplace new soon. How have you been searching -- online, word-of-mouth, a realtor? Do you know yet exactly when you have to be out of the house? Sending lots of positive vibes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I have to be gone before 12/31 - as that is the day signing papers to the new owner. I found out via text, voicemail, and email about a home inspection tomorrow at 11 am for the buyer's bank. I didn't need it thrown down my throat. It's hard enough trying to find a new place to live. It's getting really stressful now and I don't want to go into Respiratory Failure either. I really need a break from the owner as she is playing with my mind mentally. I have been searching with realtors, zillow, redfin, etc....I have done applications with my state housing programs. State housing programs just land up on waiting lists. I don't make enough to rent a place on my own without assistance. I work a full time job. It's sad.

      1. I wish there was another alternative for you, . I hate to suggest this, but you might need to think about getting a storage unit for your belongings in case you have to move out before you find a new home. Then maybe you could rent a room or small space somewhere for a bit. The housing market is not friendly to renters right now. What a terrible situation. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I have considered this as well - but if I don't find something by the end of this month that will be the route I am going to do. Place my stuff in storage and figure it out. It's weird packing up a place and knowing you are leaving and things are still loose ends. Scary but it's also a new beginning too.

      1. I've been looking at apartments, condos and mobile homes to possibly live in. It's still weird that this happening. I had to deal with my daughter's breakdown when she saw the house partial broken up yesterday. That was heartbreaking and it's just crazy right now. I have faith I will find something.

        1. That must have been difficult, but I am glad you are trying to see this as a new beginning. Forward is the only way to go, right? Those all sound like great options, especially if you can find something on a first floor with a patio or some kind of outdoor area. That could be important on those days when you aren't so mobile. I am always thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

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