Hi all,
New to the forum. I've been looking for a support system like this for a few years now but I had trouble finding anybody in my boat so to speak. Wondering if anyone has had a similar trek so far.
Asthmatic at 5
Started smoking at 16
Workplace fumes inhalation at 21
Coughing blood/short of breath on and off
Bronchoscopy and eventual lung biopsy at 23 and home oxygen for 6 months
I turn 29 soon, and I'm looking for tips on how to improve quality of life. I excercise regularly, do moderate physical work and don't smoke (previous smoking history)
I get everyone on this forum knows what it is like to function as a person with limited lungs.
Long story short! It's not bad, I can deal with this and have been for 6 years. But the idea that I need to keep living it like this for 30-40 more as it gets worse makes me wanna get super proactive.
Thanks for reading this far,